
Thursday 25 January 2018

18 Benefits of Detoxing the Body

A safe and effective body detox can be extremely beneficial to your overall well-being, but making the right choice out of the various detoxing programs
out there can be very confusing, especially if you do not have the proper guidance. However, if you get it right there are immense benefits to gain from it.    
Outlined here are some of the benefits you can expect by following a good body detox program:
1.   Boosts your energy. A good body detox leaves you feeling more energetic. While you are detoxing you are putting a stop to the intake of refined sugar, caffeine, trans fat, saturated fat, and replacing them with organic foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. This results in natural energy boost, one that comes without a crash.
Staying well hydrated during a detox program is very vital, and this can be a source of increased energy if you typically do not get enough water during the day.
2.   Rids the body of any excess waste. The main aim of detoxing is helping the body get rid of any excess waste it has been storing. The best detox programs are tailored to stimulate the body to purge itself of stored waste and toxins, helping the liver, kidney, and colon.
3.   Helps with weight loss. The argument has been that detox diet will only cause you to lose weight in the short run. The best approach would be to see detox program as a way to establish long term eating habits, and rid you of unhealthy habits. If your focus is on drastic reduction of calories and rapid weight loss, you are more likely to gain back the weight as soon as you stop. Lasting result will only be noticeable if you make it a point to replace bad food with good, and use your new found energy to exercise more and be very active overall.
4.   Stronger immune system. Undergoing a body detox helps to strengthen your immune system. Your organs are clean to function as they should, and you will be able to absorb nutrients better. During a detox program, many of the herbs you will take boost the lymphatic system. This system play important role in keeping you healthy. Exercises are also incorporated into a good detox program which help to circulate lymph fluid through the body and helps it to drain, boosting your immune system in the process.
5.   Improved skin. Your skin your largest body detoxing organ, so it only makes sense your skin benefits the most from a detox program.
Going to a sauna during a detox program is recommended to help body sweat out additional toxins. Your skin will become clearer and smoother after your detox plan. It’s also reported that detoxing can help with acne, although the condition may worsen before it gets better as the toxins are released. You may find that your skin itches or gets patchy before clearing up, but this is part of the process and is a sign that you’re on the right track with your program. Endurance and dedication is what brings success in a detox program.
6.   Better breath. A backed up colon is one reason for bad breath,               during a detox you are able to get rid of accumulated waste that has lined the colon, and get the digestive system functioning well again. The result will be an improved breath.
7.   Promotes healthy changes. A detox program is one way to kill old unhealthy habits and replace them with healthy ones. If you have addictions to sugar, caffeine, fried, or crunchy foods you can use a detox program to help you kill those cravings. If you cleanse the body and replace those foods with healthier choices, you can retrain yourself and be more likely to stick to your new habits.
8.   Clearer thinking. As detoxing help the body to get rid of toxins and free radicals that accumulate in the body it also strengthen the state of your mind. Prior to a detox, you may have trouble sleeping, chronic fatigue, and trouble with your concentration. Once you work through this process, many of these issues will gradually disappear. You will be able to sleep better and concentrate more.
9.   Healthier hair. When your hair is healthy, it looks better and is harder to break. When your hair is able to grow uninhibited by internal toxins you'll see and feel the difference in your hair. This is why it's important to keep your body functioning at its full potential through a regular detoxing strategy. In many instances hair gets shinier, stronger and feels softer to the touch.
10.               Lighter feeling. There is always a feeling of being lighter when   you do a body detox, especially if you will be doing a colon cleanse as part of the program. If you replace foods that weigh you down with organic fruits and vegetables you are bound to feel lighter.
11.               Anti-Aging benefit. One major contributing factor to the aging process is the constant barrage of toxins that the body has to deal with. By reducing the amount of free radical and bad toxins in the body, detoxing help to combat premature aging.
12.               Giving your body the micronutrients it needs. One of the leading causes of disease and even mortality is micronutrient deficiency. By undergoing a diet centred on nutrient dense super foods and beverages, you will be ensuring that your body gets the essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants it needs for optimal health. And, many micronutrients are absolutely necessary for the body’s detoxification pathways to function properly.
13.               Managing stress. A study published in Clinical Endocrinology discovered a link between high cortisol levels and fatty liver disease. Cortisol is our main stress hormone released during times of acute and chronic stress. When levels are higher than normal over a long period of time, this can cause a host of problems, including decreased liver function. By focusing on a detox diet high in blood sugar balancing foods, you will hormonally help to regulate cortisol levels, therefore actually working to manage stress.
14.               Benefits to your cardiovascular system. Detox can help in lowering your blood pressure. Detox diet may help lower your blood fat levels, and as your liver health improves it may also have a beneficial influence in lowering your blood cholesterol which is a key factor connected with heart attacks, strokes and premature death.
15.               Improved digestive functions. Detoxing re-establishes the flavour appreciation of healthy organic fresh foods with improved taste buds for many people. There are also the additional advantages of making healthy food choices (e.g. eating low sugar foods), reduced cravings, reduced bowel problems(e.g. bloating, constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and liver cleansing.
16.               Balance your hormone. Detoxing helps with hormonal symptoms (e.g. adrenal fatigue treatment). It maintains a healthy libido and improves fertility, as well as less PMS, menstrual cramps and an easier menopause.
17.               Discourages liver stone. These stones form because of too much cholesterol. The extra cholesterol makes bile harden into tiny stones that can block the liver and gall bladder; you could even have up to 200 to 300 of these affecting your liver’s ability to detox. When you cleanse, these stones could actually be purged from your body.
18.               Improved sense of wellbeing. Detox makes you feel good, and when you feel good, good things happen. Detoxing is often used strategically to lose weight or to start a new diet plan, but really there’s no better reason than just to feel better.

P.S Take a look at this winning 100% natural body detoxification blend, stay healthy, and live active again. 

Read also:  Body Cleanse- The Complete Body Detox

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