In recent times where the modern lifestyles and
dietary habits has often resulted in overweight and obesity, researchers and
scientist are regularly seeking for natural ways and herbal remedies to deal
with this health issue. Quite a number of studies today in sciences and
researches are carried out in view of obtaining treatment for obesity and overweight.
In one of such specialized studies at the University of Yaounde, African mango seed extract is helpful in
aiding weight loss and lowering the levels of cholesterol.
The outcome of the experiment showed that those who
received African mango seed extract were able to lose weight significantly. At
the end of the experiment each member of the first group was able to lose 28lbs
each. They also showed a lot of improvements in cholesterol levels, C-reactive
protein and sugar in the blood. There was no noticeable improvement with the
other group, either in cholesterol reduction or weight loss.
It was also reported by the experts that conducted
the experiment that the nutrients and natural elements contained in the African mango extract pill help the metabolism and detoxifying
effects. It is o n this convincing note that the researchers at the University
of Yaounde believed that further studies on the weight loss effects of
African mango extract will go a long way in solving the common health problem
of overweight and high cholesterol level in the blood. The result of this
experiment was published in Lipids in Health and Disease; an online journal in
spring of 2009.
P.S Take a look at this winning 100% natural African Mango Extract, and control your appetite with optimum metabolism.
P.S Take a look at this winning 100% natural African Mango Extract, and control your appetite with optimum metabolism.
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