
Monday 19 February 2018

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

In ayurveda sleep (Anidra) is considered to be one of the three supporting pillars of life along with proper diet and regulated sex pattern. A good night’s sleep is nourishing and healthy for the body, mind and soul. Sleep is the time when the body is able to repair and heal itself. The mind and emotions also become balanced through sleep.
Ayurveda see insomnia and sleep disorders as symptoms of aggravation of the three dosha (Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha). Vata governs all movement in the mind
and body. It controls blood flow, elimination of wastes, breathing and the movement of thoughts across the mind. Since Pitta and Kapha cannot move without it, Vata is considered the leader of the three Ayurvedic Principles in the body. When Vata dosha is balanced, we feel creative, light, inspired, and energized. When Vata is aggravated we feel frazzled, fatigued, unable to stop a constant flow of thoughts, anxious, and turn into insomniacs with a hyperactive mind.

Causes of Insomnia
There are many causes of sleep disorders. Insomnia may result from tension and anxiety. Any type of body pain, uncomfortable weather or surroundings, overwork, mental stress or emotional stress, and extreme worries may also lead to sleeplessness.
High vata type of insomnia is caused by Vaata imbalance or mental stress. People, who toss and turn, unable to fall asleep because their mind is spinning, have this disorder. It results with anxiety, worry, and rushed activity during the day. Where as in pitta imbalance there is intermittent awakening. You may fall asleep quickly but wake up frequently with palpitation, body pains, and emotional disturbances such as fear, anger, and sadness. Another pattern is that you wake up before dawn and find it difficult to go back to sleep. Kapha governs love, patience, forgiveness, greed, attachment, and mental inertia. With its earthly makeup, Kapha grounds Vata and Pitta and helps offset imbalances related to these doshas.

Home Remedies for Insomnia and Lifestyle Changes

  • Drink a hot glass of buffalo milk with green cardamom powder before going to bed. This helps relax the mind and give a good night’s sleep.

  • Drink a glass of cold milk with a teaspoon of licorice root powder every morning on an empty stomach. This is good for insomnia.

  • Massage your feet with lukewarm sesame oil two to three times a day and before retiring to bed. This will increase blood circulation and relax one’s mind.

  • Sprinkle one teaspoon of cumin on a slice of banana. Eat it regularly at night for good digestive system and curing insomnia.

  • You can boil around 3 grams of fresh mint leaves or around 1.5 grams of dried powder of mint leaves in one glass of water for 20 minutes and drink it. It is good for insomnia too.

  • A cup of brahmi tea or powder or any other preparation with brahmi, taken at bedtime, will induce a peaceful sleep and its regular use will help to cure insomnia. It is a calming and tranquillizing herb.

  • Take a nice, long warm bath before bed time

  • Avoid artificial stimulants of all forms, especially after lunch time

  • Do some exercises daily, but never late in the evening

  • Go to bed early and rise early, with no daytime naps

  • Avoid distractions that may hold your attention and keep you awake, such as watching a late movie or thrilling TV serials.

  • Make your bedroom comfortable. Create a quiet, dark atmosphere. Use clean, fresh sheets and pillow and keep the room temperature comfortable.

  • Engage in calming activities, like spending time in nature.

  • Eat in a loving environment.

  • Avoid a luxurious, leisurely lifestyle

  • Focus on non-attachment in daily life.

  • Do emotional housekeeping regularly.

  • Make time for introspective activities, like meditation and writing.

  • Make a distinction between being nice and being taken advantage of

 P.S Take a look at the winning ayurvedic herbal supplement for restorative sleep, and get good rest to be your best.

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