
Monday 22 January 2018

Is Diet Soda a Healthy Soft Drink Option?

High fructose soft drinks were in the past blamed for the health problem of obesity, heart ailments, and other related health problems. When Diet Soda came into the market it was thought that the health problems linked to the consumption of soft drink beverages had come to an end. But, preliminary research into this type of soft drink has again raised questions of health hazards. Although, the research on this soft drink is so far inconclusive, let’s examine some of the arguments so far:
         In Support of diet Soda
Some researchers state that diet soda is not solely responsible for exposing consumers to health risks. They are of the opinion that people take plenty of sugary food or oily food and together with the consumption of diet soda leads to health issues. The implication is that, it is the way the product was used that is the issue and not the product itself. Eating a healthy diet with exercise is recommended instead of just drinking diet soda. According to American Beverage Association, obesity is due to the individual’s genetic make up, lifestyle and diet. The concern that diet soda can cause cancer has also been disapproved by research.
         Against Diet Soda
According to the findings of some researchers at New York carried out for a period of ten years, it was discovered that 60% of people were at a high risk of obesity and heart attack after consuming diet soda for a period of time, although these studies was carried out on a small group of people. Another study carried out at Texas noticed that people added more weight and prone to type 2 diabetes after drinking diet soda for a period time.
It is known from research that the key ingredient in diet soda; artificial sweeteners causes increased need for calories by affecting the brain cells. Another research findings indicate that sweeteners interferes with the ability of the body to count calories as the liquid in the diet soda don’t contribute to the energy requirement of the body making the body to require more calories.
         Why You should avoid Diet Soda
Although the researches into the health implications of the consumption of diet soda are still in its early stage, there are few emerging facts why you should stay away from diet soda; artificial sweeteners are not natural food substances, rather they are chemicals that could pose health dangers. Another reason is that if water is replaced with diet soda there is increased secretion of gastric acid with its related acidity problem. Thirdly, diet soda contain saccharine and aspartame. These have serious health implications with prolonged use. A lot of people are known to have experienced migraines and headaches due to aspartame.
The ingredients contained in diet soda has no nutritional value, and therefore of no use to the body. Intake of the ingredients can cause

hormonal imbalance which may increase appetite, and of course weight gain. 
However, there are some beneficial diet shake regime you can undertake if you are serious about dieting. But, be sure you get them from certified online store.

Read also:Workout Drinks- What to Lookout for in a Workout Drink?

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